Friday, December 29, 2006

..:: ON-OFF-STRESS ::..

Semalam, sambil lepak2 tunggu azan maghrib, aku pun tukar2 channel  kat tv and masuk channel Astro Ria (channel 4 kay bg those yg takde astro). Anyways, ada program Hijrah Remaja kat tv and tetiba menarik minat aku utk melihat rancangan tuh becoz they were discussing the topic on "Tension + Stress + Pressure".  Owh, cam te-tau ajer aku ni yg tgh stress amat sgt skang nih.. huhuhu..

Menarik jugak perbincangan ahli2 panel and oso the guest speaker tuh (Ustaz Zulfan Haidar). Dia pun bg tau pasal teori A-B-C. A is for potential stressor which is org or menda2 yg boley buatkan kita stress. B is for the thoughts that we have on the potential stressor, bila kita dok pk pasal org2/menda2 yg leh wat kita stress. Lastly C is for the action that we take from thinking bout stress (mmm, lebey kurg gituh la kot aku rasa). Ustaz tu pun explain that we should always have the positive reaction when coping with stress and disokong sebulat suara oleh semua yg dlm discussion tuh. Yeah, right.. i do think that all of us are aware bout this kan?? Tp, cuma dia cakap bila kita stress kita kena pikir, kenapa kita nih stress in the first place?? that's where the theory comes in lah. So, nyer.. bila tgh2 stress gituh, try to understand where the stress is coming from.

He also gave an example yg stress nih mmg ada masa2 zaman nabi dulu. Sepertinya masa Nabi Ya'kub a.s. yang stress bila mengetahui yang anaknya Nabi Yusuf a.s. hilang. He cried and cried until he turned blind. But, dia masih lagi terus2an berzikir dan bertawakal pada Allah s.w.t and in the end dia pun dpt berjumpa semula dgn anaknya Nabi Yusuf a.s. and alhamdulillah he retrieved back his eyesight dengan kekuasaan Allah. Then, another story about Saidina Umar Al-Khattab yg juga ditimpa tekanan. Cuma dia mempunyai cara tersendiri utk handle stress. First he will say alhamdulillah and syukur sangat2 becoz dia kena tekanan ni kat dunia dan bukan kat akhirat coz bila kat akhirat nanti mmg dah takleh nak wat apa2 dah pun. Yg second step that he took, i had forgotten. The last step dia akan katakan pada diri dia, alhamdulillah penderitaan saya ini lebih ringan drpd org lain. The ustaz said the best way to manage stress is always train our mind like what Saidina Umar did when facing stressful situations.

Bagus sungguh perbincangan nih, yg membuka mata aku besar2 sket and also mengingatkan aku buat keberapa kalinya yg i always, always need to remain positive and be positive. Tulah aku nih, terlalu ikutkan perasaan and senantiasa lalai ajer. Tu pasal yg leh stress teruks2 tuh.. huhuhu. Padahal, if i stayed positive, insyaAllah everything will be okay kan? wallahu'alam.

Conclusionnyer, semua org mmg facing stress in their lives. Cuma how they handle the stress yg buatkan org tuh okay ke tak. For example, Wardina Saffiyah (the host) said that when she is so stressed dia akan baca Quran byk2 and menangis pada Allah. That's the best way for her to cope with stress. Yup, different people handle it differently. Mmm, yup i sure need to do sumthing bout my stress nih.. 

Okay, i'm off now to do some stress management.. hopefully i'll get better.. insyaAllah.

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